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01/01/2023 11:33 pm
Besides the obvious gear reviews. How about a live show once a week.
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02/01/2023 6:00 am
Mike and Willie did the shows back in the day. It would be fun every once in a while. I know that all 3 of us combined would not have enough time for a show once a week lol
02/01/2023 7:59 pm
@groundfire It's something to work towards. A few creators go live, such as Fred Shultz with Flag pull Productions. It's not every week but it's always a good time. More and more live shows up between "behind the bunker" and others. Also check out the Monte Cassino Event in Roodhouse, IL Bud Orr vs Dan Colby. It's an event that has grown over the past 7 years at
02/01/2023 9:30 pm
Suggestion Techpb social media, Facebook, Instagram and all of the other ones.