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18/12/2022 9:39 am
Interested to see what this is. Another cocker or will we see FF delve back into electronic markers. And remember trix are for kids! ?
ColinJP reacted
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01/01/2023 6:13 pm
Found this floating around fb. It’s been a long time coming for a private label
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01/01/2023 9:12 pm
@1so as far as I know a private label dsr. Won’t know the full details till the 20th when they open ordering up for one day.
ItsGerryRigged reacted
02/01/2023 9:12 pm
Other than being a FF milled DSR+ I am hoping this comes loaded with barrel backs and the DSR+ Pro kit installed. I do see a new trigger in the images.
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03/01/2023 10:47 pm
Read today that there’s more then just the milling being done to this. Really interested in what it could be.
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04/01/2023 10:47 pm Now you can play annodizing ideas….sick!